Recruiting as a service. What does it give for business?

Let’s start with the definition and first compare this approach with the traditional staffing model. With the latter approach to personnel search, a business pays a certain amount of the base salary of the required specialist to the personnel company’s employee. Typically, this is about 20% of the hired person’s base salary – a recruiter’s service fee. But such a model is very expensive, especially if you need a highly paid programmer, for example. And with recruiting as a service (RaaS), you pay not a percentage of the employee’s salary, but for the time a recruiter spent on completing your task.

How does it work?

With RaaS, you decide how long a hired recruiter will look for the specialist you need. As a rule, with this approach, a recruiter not only finds a “beautiful CV” but also conducts technical interviews to make an initial assessment. Then the results of the interview (expert assessment) are sent along with the CV so that the business leader can more accurately assess whether this is the one. Sometimes they manage to find several people for the same position, then the initial interview and their assessments are carried out for each of those.

The main thing here is that you pay for the working hours of a recruiter. If the desired result is achieved, you can stop the work immediately. Based on the results, they also provide the report on the work done: what and how they assessed, where they looked, with whom they met, etc. This is made for a customer to make it clear why and for what he/she pays money.

What is the result?

With such a model, you can very clearly see your costs for the process, you can easily adjust them by stopping and restarting the process, and most importantly, you do not overpay for unnecessary work. If there is no result, we continue the search, if the result is achieved, we stop. All organizational issues are on the side of the company providing RaaS. When you don’t need to look for people, you don’t pay a full-time recruiter.

Who benefits from this model?

This model is beneficial for everyone, and to a greater extent for small businesses, which do not need to constantly look for new staff and keep HR in a position. Besides, startups that need staff for their team can take advantage of such an offer. Ease of management, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness are the main advantages of recruiting as a service.

If you need to find a new member of your team, but do not want to hire a full-time HR, contact us. We will help you by offering RaaS

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