5 answers to the key questions, you can find with a digital strategy

5 answers to the key questions, you can find with a digital strategy

Here we will focus on the key questions and answers that you can get by developing a digital strategy for your business. In particular, digital-strategy allows you to find answers to the following questions: why, to whom, what, where, and how to advertise. It is the answers to these questions that will allow you to develop your digital strategy, and the data obtained is objective information. So let’s look at them.

1. What is your product/service for?

This is about the essence of your business, its values, and the qualities distinguishing it from competitors. As a result, you can clearly:

  • formulate the value of your product/service.
    • Clearly define your market segment.
    • Understanding competitors and key differences from them.
    • Start positioning.

2. Who is your target audience

To build effective communication in a digital world, we need to know our target audience well. You must clearly understand what tasks consumers want to solve with our product and what difficulties they have on their way and what is really important for your target audience.

3. What is your message?

Your message is a key idea that a consumer should learn from advertising communication. The task of the advertising message is to take a consumer to the next step on the way to purchase. It depends on our value and positioning, the stage of the customer journey, and the channel we use.

4. Where to communicate?

Given all the data you have, you must decide which digital tools you should use better. At this step, you can make a truly informed decision. For example, realizing that our audience spends a lot of time on YouTube and advertising must be emotional, you should use YouTube and shoot a video for it.

5. How to implement it?

And now you should make a specific action plan:

  • Make a to-do list. After you have decided on the tools and their KPIs, make a work plan for each digital channel used with deadlines and responsible people.
    • Calculate the media plan. Now that you have a detailed work plan for digital marketing, you can calculate how many resources you will need to implement it – money, time, people.

What do we have as a result?

This thoughtful and planned approach helps to avoid lots of pointless and expensive actions in digital marketing. It allows you to develop a detailed work plan for online marketing to solve your specific problems. You will have a clear and detailed vision of your development strategy.

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